
Half life gene worm
Half life gene worm

half life gene worm

This is the scene for your final battle, and there are a few areas of note to keep track of: on one side, a rope you can use to climb to the upper level, and a healing pool in the far corner.Move forward, go down the stairs, and open the door. You'll feel some resistance as you move forward, but it's nothing to be concerned about. After riding the platform downstairs, you'll arrive at a windy area that seems to be having some trouble with gravity.Apparently there's a huge alien downstairs, and it's "the nastiest-looking thing yet!" Stock up on all the weapons and ammo you can, and ride down the moving platform to the final epic battle of Opposing Force. Once in the warehouse door, shut the door behind you and listen to Barney.Drop down and open the large door, making sure to eliminate any remaining enemies first - you want to hear what Barney has to say on the other side.Try and attack any remaining enemies from this lofty position - it's much easier than trying to stand toe-to-toe with them. Jump from crate to crate and work your way across the warehouse room from above. In front of you are a few swinging crates.Let the battle rage as long as possible without being seen - it will only make your job easier.

half life gene worm

You'll see a huge battle between Ops and aliens going on. Move to the opening at the right - slowly - and peek below. Make your way upward, jumping from crate to crate, until you reach the top area.From there, work your way forward and to the right, until you come to a series of boxes, crates and other assorted items forming a stairway of sorts upward. After leaving the conveyor area, shoot the Ops above you and ride the elevator platform to your right upward.If you time it right, you can duck in and out from alcove to alcove and get to the next area. At the far end, you can drop down to the left, towards the beginning of the conveyor. Continue along the conveyor belt line, cross over at the end and climb up the boxes there.A good shot can take out 6 or 7 of them, and make your life a lot easier. After a few moments, get your displacer ready - you'll find a large group of Ops clustered together.Use the MP5, grenades and satchels if you have them, and start along by hugging the left wall. Black Ops personnel are everywhere, and it will be hard to snipe the sniper babes, as the usually move too fast. You're in a huge warehouse, with crates being loaded on a conveyor. You start at the bottom of the elevator you were on at the end of the last episode.

Half life gene worm